Unauthorized Websites and Offers
How do I know if a website that sells L.L.Bean products is legitimate?
If an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. L.L.Bean promotions and discounts are advertised in our catalogs, in our stores, at one of our authorized websites listed below, or through media platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Google, YouTube and other reputable websites. A true L.L.Bean advertisement will connect to one of the destination websites listed below.
- Official L.L.Bean websites:
- llbean.com
- global.llbean.com
- llbean.co.jp
- llbean.ca
- fr.llbean.ca
- llbeanbusiness.com
- L.L.Bean merchandise can also be purchased at these authorized resellers in North America:
- Staples
- Nordstrom
- Scheels
- A small number of independent retailers in Canada
Be wary of websites with unusual endings such as: .buzz .shop .top .best for example, or email or contact email address using a consumer email service such as hotmail.com, gmail.com, yahoo.com. Poorly written informational pages or words with spelling and grammatical errors can be another indication that the site is not legitimate.
For more details visit our L.L.Bean website Security page.
If you are uncertain of the legitimacy of a website that appears to be L.L.Bean, please contact customer service or email us at fraud@llbean.com.
What types of scams and fraudulent offers are there?
L.L.Bean is aware of common malicious activity that targets the customers of well-known brands such as L.L.Bean, that may include unauthorized use of our name, logos and/or product images. These scams and offers have included:
- Fraudulent websites with logos and product images “scraped” from the legitimate L.L.Bean website, often offering heavily discounted pricing.
- Social media pages and advertisements offering discounted merchandise referring customers to a fraudulent shopping site.
- Phone calls with spoofed caller-ID (so it looks like the call is coming from L.L.Bean or L.L.Bean Mastercard) offering bogus products or services unrelated to L.L.Bean, or pretending to reference an L.L.Bean order or L.L.Bean Mastercard account.
- “Phishing” emails pretending to be from L.L.Bean, using logos and formatting with an intent to look legitimate.
- Fraudulent offers of L.L.Bean gift cards in return for surveys or requests for personal information.
For more details visit our L.L.Bean website Security page.
I received a phone call or email from L.L.Bean, is it legitimate?
L.L.Bean communicates via email for promotions or order related information but will never request payment information via email.
We may call customers when we need information to process their order which can include:
- A credit card or gift card to authorize payment (new order or backorder)
- Payment on an overdue bill
- Miscellaneous hold reasons on a recent order
The phone messages we leave for customers tend to be about a recent order or to share product status updates.
Please contact your phone service provider about call blocking tools and reputable apps you can download to your mobile device to prevent call spoofing.
If you're uncertain of the legitimacy of an email, website, promotional offer, or phone call that appears to be from L.L.Bean, please contact customer service or email us at fraud@llbean.com.
How do I know if a social media page or advertisement is legitimate?
Ensure the page or ad takes you to one of our official websites listed above. If the website is not one of our authorized websites, please report the ad or social media page to the social media platform, such as Facebook or Instagram. In addition, please report the ad or social media page to us by contacting customer service or email us at fraud@llbean.com.
How can I protect myself against a fraudulent site or scam or spoofed caller?
Ensure the site is one of our official L.L.Bean websites or authorized sellers. For more details visit our L.L.Bean website Security page (link here)
Please contact your phone service provider about call blocking tools and reputable apps you can download to your mobile device to prevent call spoofing.
I purchased something from a fraudulent site and did not receive anything. What should I do?
Please contact your bank or credit card company to dispute the charges. You can also report the site to your state’s Attorney General’s office or the Federal Trade Commission. In addition, please report the site to us at fraud@llbean.com, so that we can take steps to try to have the site taken down.
I saw an L.L.Bean item on eBay. How do I know if it is authentic?
Auction sites, such as, eBay and marketplaces or others that host 3rd party sellers do not guarantee authenticity. Only products sold directly by L.L.Bean or authorized sellers guarantee authenticity.